Monday, September 25, 2006

Well Thought-Out Political Statements

I saw this car parked at a strip mall in Florida. I tried to imagine who the owner would be. Whoever it is I bet they like shitty music and are bad in bed. This was my favorite sticker.

Even if you concede that the sticker is accurate (I take issue with the idea that Communism or Fascism have ended at all, let alone by means of a war), it's still not a very good record if you consider how many hundreds of wars there have been throughout history. Well, at least 4 of them did something worthwhile! I mean, come on, of all the things in the world to champion with some idiotic bumper sticker, you choose war? I think war is doing just fine without a cheering section you fucking moron. If you love war so much why don't you quit the college republicans and get your ass to Tikrit? What would Jesus do? He'd probably punch you in the mouth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

after visiting kerala, india, i've decided communism is awesome. i hope war doesn't wipe it out.

and you're wrong. jesus wouldn't punch that person in the mouth... he'd punch him/her in the neck.

(can you tell i'm wasting time in an internet cafe?)

9:09 AM  

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