Friday, February 16, 2007

Fuck You Yellow Cab

I got hit by a god-damned taxi today at the airport. And I mean hit. Like 'fly-upside-down-thru-the-air-15-ft-and-land-on-your-head' hit. I was in the crosswalk too. The guy didn't even slow down till he hit me. The best part was that I got to get strapped to a board for an hour and then, after being taken to the ghetto SF General Hospital, get left in a hallway full of crackheads and homeless people who were all screaming and crying and being restrained by police. There were easily as many police in this trauma ward as medical personnel. I ended up being discharged without even getting an xray. This truly is the greatest country in the world. Schools, heath-care...we really are a shining example to the rest of the world. So instead of going to NYC and looking at apts. and seeing Sonic Youth and seeing the Arcade Fire play in some sweet ass church, I'm sitting at home counting time off in four hour chunks between vicodin feedings. So fuck you Yellow Cab. I'm sure our lives will be intertwined for many moons to come. Now, anyone know a good lawyer??


Blogger Iron Lung said...

wow! I didn't think that kind of crap really happened to people. it was san francisco's tough love way of saying "don't go!" hope you feel better.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

'kin ouch.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

either that or it was SF's way of saying don't let the door hit you on your way out...Yellow Cabs are nice here in Manhattan, i swear.

10:11 AM  

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